Benefits for Members
- With 400+ area business members, the Chamber provides excellent exposure and credibility for our members. Every member receives a listing in our online membership directory and our annual “Report to the Community” exposes your business to endless opportunities through modern technology.
- The Chamber has thousands of vacation and relocation booklets and brochures are published and given to tourists, community members, business people, and the general population all of whom are potential customers.
- Bring in your brochures, menus or business cards to display in our “Member Rack Card” for free. Locals and visitors will pick up these during their stop at the Visitor Center and you might just have exactly what they’re looking for!
- The Chamber of Commerce, Chamber Ambassadors, and other community officials welcome your new business, new location, expansion, or new ownership with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony which is published in the Chamber’s Newsletter with pictures and an article about your business.
- Quality of life affects us all, the Butte Chamber of Commerce with support of the Butte Local Development Corporation and Butte Silver Bow Government, ensures that new businesses will continually be attracted to the Butte area.
- Chamber Members are eligible to sponsor the monthly Business Card Social, which is a unique business exposure opportunity. This relaxed setting of networking with other business people while enjoying food and refreshments helps to create potential for developing new leads and valuable business contacts. Join us in staying up to date on community information and the economic development of the Butte area.
- The Chamber Members, representing thousands of area employees, speak to our local, state, and federal representatives with a strong and credible voice for businesses. Chamber staff keeps a watchful eye on legislation and advocates to elect officials on business issues impacting the regional economy, quality of life, and the cost of doing business.